Sustainable Development
Think Ecomobility
Gap Tallard Vallées, symbol of ecomobility
Discover our solutions for environmentally friendly travel.
More information on the environmental steps on:
L'Agglo en bus
In order to favour public transport, the Agglomeration Community has set up a free bus network "L'Agglo en bus" in its 17 communes.
You can find more information on the objectives of this free transport by clicking here.
More information on bus transportation in the agglomeration.
► Information 2024:
There is currently no longer a paper edition of the timetables. We recommend that you consult the timetables on the agglo website or via the Gap en Poche app.
Gap city bus - Agglomeration buses
Service des transports urbains
Tel : +33 4 92 53 18 19
Communauté d'Agglomération
31 route de la Justice
05000 GAP
Bicycle paths
![[Translate to English:] Pistes cyclables [Translate to English:] Pistes cyclables](
Secure bike parks
The Communauté d'Agglomération Gap-Tallard-Durance plans to install 7 secure bicycle shelters allowing you to park your bicycle in complete serenity.
4 are already installed in Gap :
- Parking de Bonne en centre-ville : 15, rue des Jardins
- Parking-relais du stade nautique : 3, avenue de Traunstein
- Parking relais du Plan (Tokoro) : 93, avenue d'Embrun
- PEM Gare SNCF : avenue des Alpes
Each shelter can store 20 bicycles on racks allowing individual security with the cyclist's personal anti-theft device.
The shelters have connections for recharging electric bikes.
The shelters are accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, via an access control system using a badge (by subscription) or QR code (on a daily basis) and are equipped with interior and exterior video surveillance
In the event of an anomaly related to the use of the access card or the bicycle shelter:
0033 (Hotline) ou 0033 (Urgences)
Rates :
Reservation by the day :
1 € / day - gives access to all shelters. Access by QR Code.
Initial monthly subscription + access badges:
15 € / month - includes a monthly subscription at 10 € giving access to all shelters and the issuance of an access card which is charged 5 € to the user. The card is sent within 5 days.
Monthly subscription renewal :
10 € / month - gives access to all shelters. For users who already have a badge in their possession
Source : © Communauté d'Agglomération Gap-Tallard-Durance
Bike Energy charging station
New in Barcillonnette: recharge your electric bike for free now! Equipped with its fast charge and its connectors, recharging your bike has never been so easy!
5 cable models are available for maximum compatibility:
- 2 Bosch
- 2 Yamaha 1
- 2 Yamaha 2
- 2 Impulse / Brose
- 2 Shimano 2
Find a Bike Energy charging station on the town hall square in Barcillonnette.
Electric vehicles
Gap :
Parking spaces for electric vehicles are available in the following parking lots:
* Bonne: 6 spaces with charging stations (rue de Valisère)
* Desmichels: 2 charging stations, 1 of which is fast charging (currently unavailable, parking lot under construction)
* Muret: 2 spaces with charging stations (Hospital, rue Maurice Garnier side)
Some forty places should be deployed:
- Sénateur traffic circle parking lot
- Providence underground parking lot (rue Ernest Cézanne)
- College Centre parking lot (Boulevard de la Libération)
- Bellevue parking lot (Boulevard Bellevue)
- Fontreyne nautical stadium parking lot (avenue de Traunstein)
- Parking, avenue d'Embrun (next to Feu Vert, Briançon side entrance to town)
Paid parking and free charging.
For more information: Parking de Bonne : 0033 4 92 53 35 58
Tallard :
3 charging stations :
- In the village: 2 accelerated charging stations: Parking du Château and Parking de la Mairie: 22 KW charging stations - Charging time: 30m/50km and 4 "Territoire d'Energie - ADEME" sheltered charging stations for electric bikes on avenue Auguste Durand (near the public toilets).
- At the airfield: 1 fast charging station: 40 KW charging - Charging time: 10m/50km
More info: or
0033(0)4 92 44 39 00 or Hotline : 0033 970 830 213
In La Saulce :
Parking lot terminal at the A51 traffic circle

Tourism & sustainable development
Your Tourist Office is committed to a greener and more environmentally friendly tourism
Our commitments : Our Tourist Office is committed to an approach of Tourism and Sustainable Development. It must be an engine for an eco-responsible destination in its operation and in the choice of goods and services it offers.
In our internal functioning
► Selective sorting
- Cardboard, paper, plastic, glass, printer toners, batteries, light bulbs, etc. are sorted and regularly taken to the waste collection centers in Gap and Tallard.
- Small waste: the 2 information offices have a trash can and ashtray outside the premises.
► Paper management, document printing
- Print documents sensibly, according to need, systematize double-sided printing, reduce print sizes when possible and use color printing only when necessary.
- Use of obsolete printed documents as drafts.
- Use of old A3 posters for filing information.
- Management of the quantities printed according to the year N-1: evaluation of the necessary reductions in printing.
► Purchasing policy
- Controlled management of orders for administrative supplies and cleaning products: approximately once every three or four months
- Publishing of the Tourist Office brochures with eco-responsible suppliers (recycled paper)
- Purchasing of equipment and materials: whenever possible, choice of materials with environmental certification.
- Store products: we want to develop the sale of products from local creators and producers.
- For our purchases, favor products with an environmental label or certification, favor the short circuit for restocking with less transportation. Identical choice for the products that we take in deposit sale.
► Distribution of documentation
- Stock management of tourist documentation adapted to the clientele and to the different periods of frequentation.
- Mailings to our customers. Identified demand in order to limit paper mailing.
- Encouragement to consult our documents on our website, in PDF, downloadable or in simple reading.
- With our partner service providers, distribution rounds organized by the Tourist Office.
- Information on our website and our social networks, encouraging them to come and get the documentation they need at the Tourist Office.
► Energy
- We use low energy light bulbs and manage the lighting of the office according to the periods of frequentation.
- We systematically turn off lights, computers, dynamic screens, printers and unplug digital tablets or any other equipment in charge as soon as the structure closes its doors, during meal times and at closing time.
► Mobility
- During business trips (meetings, training, trade fairs, etc.), carpooling with other Tourist Offices is preferred or the structure uses public transport.
- We favor video-conference meetings in order to limit staff travel between the reception offices.
- Transport is free on the territory of Gap-Tallard-Durance: an Agglo-Bus guide is available free of charge to the public in the 2 BITs and can be downloaded from the websites of the Gap Tallard Vallées Tourist Office and the Gap-Tallard-Durance Agglomeration.
- Bicycle paths are developed on the territory.
- Free parking lots are available to the public at the entrances of the city of Gap from which everyone can take the free public transport that crisscrosses all the communes of the agglomeration.
► Water
- Reasonable management of the flow when washing hands or dishes.
In our communication
- Dematerialized dissemination of information and any event through the Internet via our website: downloads and readings possible of all our editions at any time.
- We use social networks, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, which allow a real-time dissemination of information.
- We send our festivities and press releases by email to radio stations.
- We use our newsletter to disseminate any news.
- Internally, we communicate mainly by email for the transmission of information: everyone keeps the useful information in a label of his mailbox.
With our visitors
- We encourage you to download our brochures on our website for reading, to consult our Agenda of all our festivities online on our website (less paper to throw away).
- At the reception, we print on demand according to the need. For example, foreign language brochures can be downloaded from the website (less paper is used).
- We recommend the use of free public transport throughout our agglomeration.
- The Tourist Office has been awarded the Toutourisme label for its 2 reception desks: "Toutourisme" packs are offered to customers accompanied by their pets. Information on reception points, canine treats, canisac and cleanliness awareness. In Gap: spaces dedicated to dogs, the "Canispaces". Tallard: at the entrance of the castle park and in the center of the village, distributors of bags to collect excrements. The 2 offices have a stock of "canisacs".
- At our store service, we propose, if needed, a store bag made of recycled paper.
- We ask if they want a receipt.
- We do not offer plastic advertising objects.
With the socio-professionals of our territory
- We communicate on our website on the steps of the Quality Tourism Mark, classification of furnished accommodation, on the labels in Tourism and Sustainable Development and we put forward all the labeled providers. Communication and updating of dematerialized information in order to sensitize all socio-professionals.
- We invite the organizers of festivities to enter their events themselves on our website via the application "Apidae Events" to limit the paper mailing.
- We use the "Hubo" application so that our service providers can update their information themselves on our website and thus limit the number of vouchers sent out.
- We provide advice to the furnished accommodation in terms of sustainable development (installation of waste sorting garbage cans, use of LED lamps, provision of "environmental" certified products to customers, etc.).
- We evaluate for an eco-responsible performance:
> We keep the inventory management of our documentation up to date.
> We maintain inventory management of our partners' documentation.
> We take part each year in the documentation exchanges organized by the Agence Départementale Economique et Touristique des Hautes-Alpes, hich allows us to avoid sending documents.
> We monitor the number of classified and/or labeled establishments in our territory.
![[Translate to English:] Tourisme vert [Translate to English:] Tourisme vert](
My eco-gestures on vacation
In turn, during your vacations, adopt eco-responsible gestures:
→ I sort my waste in my accommodation
→ I find out where the selective sorting columns are located or where the waste disposal centers are
→ I limit my energy and water consumption (I remember to turn everything off when I go out)
→ I prefer to use baskets or shopping bags for my shopping (avoid plastic bags that end up in the garbage)
→ I respect the environment, I don't leave cigarette butts or waste
→ When camping in a motor home, I find out about oil change facilities
→ I respect the cleanliness of the environment with my pet: the tourist office has the "Toutourisme" label, I get free canine bags in the tourist information offices in Gap or Tallard
→ I find out about the "Cani-Spaces" (spaces dedicated to dogs)
Let's encourage ecomobility:
→ On the whole territory of Gap Tallard Vallées, public transport is free: I get the guide of the Agglo-Bus in the tourist information offices of Gap or Tallard
→ I use the free park-and-ride lots around the town of Gap
→ I get the booklet of all the parking lots available in Gap: "Parking in Gap" guide
→ I ask about carpooling zones
→ I use the bicycle paths
→ Electric vehicles: the area is equipped with charging stations: I find out where they are located
On a walk, on a hike :
→ I respect the protected natural environments
→ I respect the instructions of the Ecrins National Park; no pets, no wild camping, no picking of flowers or wild species, no campfires, etc.
→ I follow the marked trails
→ I prefer water bottles to cans or bottles
→ I contribute to the maintenance of cleanliness, I bring back my waste
Some labelled sites
Golf for Biodiversity" ecolabel approach
The Gap Bayard oxygenation center is part of a sustainable development approach, committing in its operation to include the following concerns: reducing its carbon impact, taking into consideration the unique biodiversity of the plateau, raising visitors' environmental awareness and promoting a circular economy on the site.
- Autonomous heating: wood-fired boiler: this system is self-sufficient and the fuel comes from the shredded wood from the Bayard plateau.
Composting station: 2 compost bins have bloomed; in order to reduce the waste produced by the kitchen and to use the compost for the spaces around the buildings. - These composters will serve as a test for a more ambitious project, a larger scale composting chalet, with a more developed educational access.
- Golf and Biodiversity" Ecolabel: The French golf courses are home to a potentially rich but little known biodiversity. The French Golf Federation has entered into an ambitious partnership with the National Museum of Natural History. This partnership has led to the creation of a new approach to the commitment of golf clubs, entitled "Golf for Biodiversity Program". The Bayard plateau, with its 250 hectares, is more than concerned and has launched its commitment procedure.
Find the providers committed to tourism and sustainable development on our website and in our publications thanks to their identification by their logo.
Some labels for green tourism
Improvement of performance, quality of activities, management of resources. Respect, preservation, enhancement of a territory's resources and heritage.
The development of sustainable tourism echoes the evolution of consumer expectations and practices. Do not hesitate to consult all these environmental certifications which could interest you and give a "boost" to your promotion
The "Bienvenue à la ferme" label
Established in 1988, the Bienvenue à la ferme network is made up of more than 8,000 member farmers throughout France.
This network is led by regional and departmental advisors who accompany farmers in their activities, guarantee the quality of products and activities, help with installation, and promote the brand locally, coordinated by the French Chambers of Agriculture.
The farmers who are members of this network practice direct sales (on the farm, at markets, in cooperative stores) or welcome on the farm (accommodation, discovery farm, catering, etc.).
The Ecogîte Label
This label was set up by the Gîtes de France. By creating this ecotourism label, they wanted to take a step in the commitment to preserve natural resources.
The accommodations labeled "Ecogîtes" are healthy and environmentally friendly habitats.
They must use a renewable energy source (solar, wind, geothermal, hydraulic, etc.), a good management of water consumption, as well as awareness of the preservation of the environment of its guests (display of eco gestures, invitation to selective sorting, provision of ecological cleaning products).
The Green Key Label
The Green Key Ecolabel is the first international sustainable tourism label for tourist accommodations and restaurants.
Green Key establishments have the duty to make their guests aware of environmental issues by displaying eco-friendly gestures, offering nature activities and inviting them to limit their consumption, especially of water and electricity; establishments must make responsible purchases (food, furniture, stationery, maintenance). The employees of these establishments are trained to respect these values in their workplace.
The Rando Accueil label
Rando Accueil is a national label that identifies tourist establishments offering accommodation.
Rando Accueil establishments are specialized in hiking (pedestrian, bicycle, mountain bike, horseback, ski, snowshoe, etc.) but also in discovery activities and outdoor sports.
This label guarantees customers accommodation and services adapted to the various hiking and walking activities. The accommodation provider can highlight its tourist potential in the form of program ideas or organized stays. This label is ideal for "outdoor activities" customers.
The Accueil Vélo Label
Accueil Vélo is a national label that guarantees a quality welcome and services along cycling routes for visiting cyclists.
This label guarantees cyclists an establishment located less than 5km from a bicycle route, with facilities adapted to cyclists: secure bicycle shelter, repair kit; with a warm welcome (practical information, advice, itineraries, weather, etc.) and which provides services dedicated to travelers by bicycle: luggage transfer, laundry and drying, rental and bicycle washing)
Our two tourist offices are certified!
The Organic Agriculture label
This certification, created in 1985, is based on the ban on the use of products derived from synthetic chemistry. It identifies products of agricultural origin intended for human or animal consumption that respect the regulations and controls as they are applied in France. In order to obtain this label, a very strict set of specifications must be respected, criteria that guarantee a quality product without substances harmful to health.
The "Station Verte" label: 1st Ecotourism Label in France
Station Verte is a tourist label created in 1964 by the French Federation of Green Resorts and Snow Villages. This label gives national recognition to villages and small towns as organized resorts offering meaningful stays, in favor of natural, authentic, human and environmentally friendly tourism. Labeled towns must carry out actions to educate and raise awareness of the environment among visitors and tourists, carry out actions to contribute to the preservation of biodiversity, have a space for the development of heritage, offer thematic tours with commentary or
with commented or animated visits including the valorization of the heritage, to have a municipal population lower than 10 000 inhabitants, etc.
The city of Tallard has this label of Green Station since 2011. It offers thematic guided tours of the castle of Tallard as well as its medieval city, which therefore greatly enhance its heritage. It is a city that has kept its authenticity and human size over the years.